Other Initiatives

Launched in February 2021, a petition asking the EU to pull out from the ECT collected over 1 million signatures in just a few weeks.

In September 2020, a petition was filed in the European Parliament on the need to include measures in European Union environmental legislation to put an end to the protection of foreign investment in fossil fuels.

Five young climate victims have filed a lawsuit with the European court of Human Rights against 12 States for allowing the ECT to impede their transition away from fossil fuels. 


In December 2020, many scientists participated in the climate leaders call 

In June 2022, almost 80 leading climate scientists call EU countries and the French Presidency of the EU Council to withdraw from the ECT and to reject the "agreement in principle" that should be announced. This agreement will maintain the protection in EU countries of foreign investments in fossil fuels until 2030 and in gas power plants until 2040. It is likely that other countries parties to the ECT will maintain full protection of foreign investments in fossil fuels as they did non announce any plan to end it. 

In February 2023, 110 UK academics have signed a letter to energy secretary Grant Shapps, urging him to exit the Energy Charter Treaty. 

Civil society groups and trade unions

In July 2021, 402 worldwide civil society organisations published a new statement asking their governments to exit the Energy Charter Treaty by COP26.

In December 2019, 278 civil society groups and trade unions from member states of the Energy Charter Conference published an open letter about the ECT so called modernization process.

European and national member of parliaments

More than 300 members of the European Parliament and EU national parliaments from 20 EU member states called EU countries to withdraw from the ECT if protection of foreign investment in fossil fuels is not removed from the Treaty.

Youth movements

The network of EU youth NGOs at COP28 calls on the European Union and its Member States to withdraw once and for all from the Energy Charter Treaty (July 2023).

Generation Climate Europe has sent a letter - which has been signed by almost 20 youth-led organizations, representing 30 million young Europeans - to the 27 governments, asking them to withdraw from the ECT and vote amendment 143 of the Climate law.

During COP27, European Youth NGOs gathered to write and share their demands to leadership. In their policy statement “EU: Let’s Phase Out Fossil Fuels” they asked the collective withdrawal by the EU and the Member States from the ECT.


Through the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change, investors across 16 countries and representing over 35 trillions € in assets called on members of the EU Council to support the end of fossil investment protection as stated by the European Parliament in the EU Climate Law.

European Renewables Energy Federation

In December 2020, the European Renewables Energy Federation joined the ask for the EU to withdraw from the Energy Charter Treaty, declaring the ECT protects fossil fuel investments and impedes the objectives of the Green Deal and the Paris Agreement targets.

In October 2022, EREF called again to end the ECT "because the so-called agreement in principle on the modernisation of the ECT sustains EU fossil fuel dependency and impedes the transition to 100% renewable energy EU".


Mayors from Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary and the Netherlands have sent a letter to EU leaders calling for a full and coordinated withdrawal from the Energy Charter Treaty on the 14/11/2022. The six signatories, representing Leuven, Budapest, Lyon, Grenoble, Grenoble Alpes-Metropole, Klimaatverbond (175 local authorities in the Netherlands) are members of the EUs 100 Mission Climate Neutral cities by 2030.


German comic book artist Céline Keller has published Dawn of the ECT, a self-published comic that deals with the  complex Energy Charter Treaty (available in several languages)