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# Starred Locked Notes Created Language Titre Prénom Nom de famille Profile Adresse email Sort descending Organisation Poste actuel Nationalité ou pays de résidence Nationalité ou pays de résidence: Pays J'autorise à publier mes données personnelles sur Internet conformément aux "Conditions d'utilisation" ci-après Avez-vous des commentaires ou des demandes spécifiques? J'accepte les conditions d'utilisation. Actions
438 Star/flag Envoyer Lock Envoyer Add notes to Envoyer Tue, 12/08/2020 - 22:18 English Ing. Peio Roth Carrière scientifique/académique Software Developer France France Oui Oui
674 Star/flag Envoyer Lock Envoyer Add notes to Envoyer Sun, 02/07/2021 - 01:15 English M. Monique Pierret Citoyen Ecolo Membre Belgium Belgium Oui Oui
647 Star/flag Envoyer Lock Envoyer Add notes to Envoyer Wed, 12/30/2020 - 20:11 English M. Eren Can Ileri Activiste Sciences Po Paris School of International Affairs Activist and Researcher France France Oui Oui
677 Star/flag Envoyer Lock Envoyer Add notes to Envoyer Mon, 02/08/2021 - 14:36 English M. Pedro Brazuna Simões Citoyen Portugal Portugal Oui Oui
478 Star/flag Envoyer Lock Envoyer Add notes to Envoyer Wed, 12/09/2020 - 15:54 English Ing. Quique de Frutos Citoyen Administración General del Estado. Cuerpo Superior de Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones. Subdirector Adjunto Spain Spain Oui Oui
761 Star/flag Envoyer Lock Envoyer Add notes to Envoyer Mon, 06/20/2022 - 11:46 English M. Radu Cirligeanu Citoyen Aerospace Engineering Romania Romania Oui I would like more information to be available to the average citizen, in a plain, simple (non-legal) language on this treaty, its origins and its implications on the climatic situation. A list of clear examples of actions relying on this treaty ("investors" vs. states) should be created and made available so that one can grasp the futility of his/her individual struggle to reduce the carbon footprint, when compared to the financial interests of oil and gas companies protected by this treaty. It is a shame such a treaty exists and it is even worse that (almost) nobody speaks about it. Oui
539 Star/flag Envoyer Lock Envoyer Add notes to Envoyer Thu, 12/10/2020 - 02:18 English Dr. Rainer Petzold Carrière scientifique/académique State Enterprise Sachsenforst Senior Researcher Germany Germany Oui Oui
599 Star/flag Envoyer Lock Envoyer Add notes to Envoyer Sat, 12/12/2020 - 23:41 Spanish Mme Raquel Sánchez García Citoyen Spain Spain Non Oui
672 Star/flag Envoyer Lock Envoyer Add notes to Envoyer Sat, 02/06/2021 - 17:40 English M. Régis Dessy Citoyen Belgium Belgium Non Oui
452 Star/flag Envoyer Lock Envoyer Add notes to Envoyer Wed, 12/09/2020 - 00:48 English M. Andreas - Michael Reinhardt Citoyen LEMNET Europe e.V., President (retired) Chairman International Committee Germany Germany Oui In view of the climate crisis, we must de-privilege everyone and everything. Everything must be put to the test with a focus on 1.5 degrees Celsius - target achievement. With all consistency! Oui
466 Star/flag Envoyer Lock Envoyer Add notes to Envoyer Wed, 12/09/2020 - 12:28 English Mme Simona Rens Carrière scientifique/académique National Academy of Science and Engineering Scientific Officer Germany Germany Non Oui
520 Star/flag Envoyer Lock Envoyer Add notes to Envoyer Wed, 12/09/2020 - 22:10 English Mme Maria Garcia Activiste Ecologistas en Acción Air pollution officer Spain Spain Oui Oui
548 Star/flag Envoyer Lock Envoyer Add notes to Envoyer Thu, 12/10/2020 - 12:07 English MSc. BSc. Robert Ofner Carrière scientifique/académique Carinthian university for applied sciences Junior researcher Austria Austria Oui Oui
783 Star/flag Envoyer Lock Envoyer Add notes to Envoyer Sun, 06/26/2022 - 14:05 English M. Romain CAVALLARI Citoyen Responsable qse France France Non Oui
747 Star/flag Envoyer Lock Envoyer Add notes to Envoyer Sun, 06/12/2022 - 13:20 English Dr. Remi Rafael Carrière scientifique/académique Hong Kong University Postdoctoral researcher Hong Kong SAR China Hong Kong SAR China Oui Oui
588 Star/flag Envoyer Lock Envoyer Add notes to Envoyer Fri, 12/11/2020 - 22:30 English Dr. Robert Savé Monserrat Carrière scientifique/académique IRTA Coordinador Vitivinicultura Ecuador Ecuador Non No he donat permis a publicar les meves dades, ja que l'aplicació no em permet posar el meu pais legal España Oui
528 Star/flag Envoyer Lock Envoyer Add notes to Envoyer Wed, 12/09/2020 - 23:17 Spanish M. Rubén De La Cruz Pérez Activiste Spain Spain Oui Oui
641 Star/flag Envoyer Lock Envoyer Add notes to Envoyer Wed, 12/23/2020 - 13:33 Spanish Ing. Rubén Fuentes Beltrán Politicien élu (parlementaire, élu local, etc.) Si se puede Canarias Asesor de la Concejalía de Medio Ambiente del Ayuntamiento de La Laguna Spain Spain Oui Oui
602 Star/flag Envoyer Lock Envoyer Add notes to Envoyer Sun, 12/13/2020 - 02:39 English Prof. Ruth Simsa Carrière scientifique/académique Vienna University of Economics and Business Prof. Austria Austria Oui Oui
549 Star/flag Envoyer Lock Envoyer Add notes to Envoyer Thu, 12/10/2020 - 12:08 Spanish M. SANTIAGO OCHOA DE ERIBE USABIAGA Citoyen GOIENER, S.COOP. Coordinador General Spain Spain Oui Oui